Our mission is to help and support companies in establishing cooperation with global business.
We help to discover new perspectives, we facilitate entering new markets and enable finding the best business partners in a given industry.
Cooperation between French-speaking and Polish economic and political bodies is currently entering a phase of renewal and progress due to the opportunity to discuss the event during the meeting, including of the President of the Republic of Poland with the President of the French Republic during a meeting that took place on February 3-4, 2020.
W związku z nieoczekiwaną sytuacją z jaką wszyscy się mierzymy a co za ty idzie zmianami które nastąpiły w planowanych wydarzeniach chcąc kontynuować naszą Misję zbliżenia relacji B2B oraz kulturowych i społecznych w Polsce jak i na arenie międzynarodowej rozpoczynamy cykl spotkań "Debaty gospodarcze online".
Wraz z naszym partnerem i współorganizatorem cyklu Izbą Gospodarki Elektronicznej chcemy zwrócić uwagę na aspekty które będą nas dotyczyły w następstwie izolacji i zmian ekonomicznych jakie teraz zachodzą. Skupimy się na przyszłości ekonomicznej Polski w ujęciu: gospodarki, e-gospodarki, eksportu i e-eksportu pamiętając i zwracając uwagę na wspólne działanie całej przedsiębiorczej społeczności Polski i Europy.
W trakcie debat przeprowadzonych w doborowym towarzystwie, porozmawiamy o polityce, demografii, społeczeństwie, gospodarce technologii, cyfryzacji biznesów i państwa. Naszą ambicją jest dotknięcie aktualnych tematów do dyskusji, wskazanie kwestii pilnych, trendów, zjawisk i kierunków które w najbliższej przyszłości nabiorą szczególnego znaczenia i będą w centrum publicznej debaty o naszej przyszłości. Naszym celem jest wykreowanie możliwych scenariuszy rzeczywistości po izolacji oraz określenie strategii i planów działania możliwych do realizacji w zmienionych warunkach aby przeciwdziałać skutkom ekonomicznym.
Data | Godzina | Temat | Uczestnicy |
15 kwiecień 2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
"Ekonomiczna pandemia po wirusie, co dalej?" Zobacz nagranie |
22 kwiecień 2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
"e-Gospodarka i bezprecedensowy kryzys. Co dalej? Jakie wyzwania? Jakie zmiany?" Zobacz nagranie |
29 kwiecień 2020 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
"Eksport i e-eksport po czasie wirusa" Zobacz nagranie |
During the conference you have a unique chance to make contact with companies whose specificity, needs and expectations are known to us.
Therefore, from the very beginning, you know who and why you meet.You can also present yourself by completing the relevant questionnaire. In this way, you save time and money on identifying markets and partner search.
Haven’t you thought about exporting to Poland, to Francophony yet
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During the conference you can also learn from the specialists and our speakers during the panels about the latest trends in the economy. Not necessarily only francophone markets.
Our panelists are happy to share knowledge, they will provide a lot of interesting information and ideas they had and have in the context of international business.
Networking - meet your new partners, talk to them in the Team Meet zone
PMI allows you to promote, establish deeper direct cooperation, establish the first possible cooperation and deepen the relationship between participants.
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French-speaking countries like France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Canada are one of the largest foreign investors in Poland and one of the largest employers.
There is a wide variety of business and development opportunities both from the French-speaking countries and the Polish side.
It is among the top 10 foreign investors in Poland.
Bilateral trade between Canada and Poland reached $ 2.85 billion in 2018.
Canada exported $ 745 million to Poland, making it Canada's 10th largest export market to the European Union.
Canada imported $ 2.11 billion.
Poland is Canada's 27th trading partner
4th commercial partner
3rd employer in Poland
With trade of more than 20 billion EUR, up 7.4% in 2018
France thus ranks 4th among foreign investors in Poland (nearly EUR 18 billion in investment stock in 2018)
3rd place by financial capitalization (nearly 6.2 billion EUR of assets controlled by French entities).
On the list of the largest foreign investors published in 2017 by the Polish Agency for Trade and Investments there were 28 companies with the contribution of Luxembourg capital.
In 2018 the Polish-Luxembourg Memorandum of Understanding was signed on cooperation in the field of research and acquisition of space resources.
A trade volume of more than CHF 6 billion in 2019-2020.
Time | Description |
8:30 - 10:00 | Registration |
10:15 - 10:30 | Start / Intro |
10:30 - 11:15 | Panel Ambassadors Welcome in my country(Moderator Jerzy Drożdż) |
11:15 - 11:25 | Coffee break |
11:25 - 12:30 | Economic Missions Panel of Counsellors(Moderator Frederic Petit) |
12:30 - 12:45 | Presentation from Bilateral Chamber of Commerce |
12:34 - 13:34 | Lunch |
13:30 - 14:30 | La French TechInnovatin ecosystem of Poland(Moderator Romain Rebou) |
14:45 - 15:30 | Law & Taxes(Moderator Anna Maria Panasiuk) |
15:30 - 15:45 | Coffee break |
15:45 - 16:15 | BIG Business |
16:15 - 17:00 | Finance a la francaise |
17:00 - 17:30 | Closing speech |
19:30 - 22:00 | Business Coctail |
Time | Description |
10:00 - 10:45 | Bilateral Chamber of Commerce panelHow we can help you |
10:45 - 11:30 | La Fench Tech Venture Capitals from FR + Business Angels(Moderator Romain Rebou) |
11:30 - 11:40 | Coffee break |
11:40 - 12:40 | Izba Gospodarki Elektronicznej Digitalizacja gospodarki w ujęciu Crossboarding e-commerce(Moderator Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska) |
12:45 - 13:45 | Lunch |
13:45 - 14:30 | Business a la francaise(Moderator Małgorzata Bonikowska) |
14:30 - 15:30 | Europejski Fundusz Obronny i współpraca w jego zakresieFrancois Charles & Katarzyna Pisarska |
15:30 - 15:45 | Coffee Break |
15:45 - 16:30 | Panel |
16:30 - 17:00 | SummariseM. Zahid (Pakistan Embassy - short invitation) |
Ambassador of Canada
MoreMs. Leslie Scanlon is Ambassador of Canada to the Republic of Poland (since 2018) and the Republic of Belarus (since 2019).
Ambassador Scanlon (Bachelor of Journalism (Minor in Political Science, Honours), Carleton University, 1986) joined Global Affairs Canada in 1990.
Prior to her assignment to Warsaw, Ambassador Scanlon most recently served in Director General positions at headquarters, including as Director General of Consular Operations where she was responsible for delivering the consular program and managing the consular network abroad. She has served overseas in Tokyo (1992-1996) as a trade commissioner and in Paris (2007-2011) where she was Minister-Counsellor, Communications and Public Affairs. Ambassador Scanlon has also served as a trade commissioner in Canadian regional offices including Halifax (1990-1991) and New Westminster, B.C. (1996-1998).
She has two children, one of whom resides with her in Warsaw.
Member of Parliament at Assemblée nationale, elected by French citizens living abroad in Germany, Poland, Central Europe and the Balkans
MoreMember of Parliament at Assemblée nationale, elected by French citizens living abroad in Germany, Poland, Central Europe and the Balkans. An engineer, entrepreneur, business leader and consultant on energy, waste and construction, Mr Petit is a certified mediator and started his career as a community organizer. He speaks English, French, Polish, German, Arabic and Lithuanian. Mr Petit is a member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. At Assemblée nationale (Parliament), he is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, rapporteur on the budget of cultural diplomacy (soft power) and rapporteur on the issue of conflicts related to climate change. Frédéric Petit is also a business “Advisor on French Foreign Trade” at the Europe Office of the Advisers for French Foreign Trade (_conseillers du commerce extérieur de la France_).
Deputy Head of Mission a.i of the Swiss Embassy
MoreLukas Schifferle has been working as the Director for economic and scientific affairs for three years at the Swiss Embassy in Warsaw. Being a diplomat he served in Beijing, Bruxelles and Bern as well in various fields. He studied economics, business administration and law at the University of Zurich and used to work in the banking sector as a risk controller and corporate banker. He is married and has one daughter. His special interest are new technologies related to environment and climate change, music and theatre.
AGH University, EC Engineering
MoreUrodzony 01.01.1956 w Nowym Sączu, żonaty, dwoje dzieci. Studia ukończył w 1980 roku na Akademii Górniczo Hutniczej w Krakowie uzyskując dyplom mgr inż. o specjalności automatyka, w 1983 roku obronił pracę doktorską w zakresie wibroakustyki. W roku 1988 uzyskał tytuł doktora habilitowanego, a w 1990 roku objął stanowisko profesora na Akademii Górniczo Hutniczej.
W roku 1996 roku uzyskał tytuł profesora. Wielokrotnie przebywał na zagranicznych stażach we Francji (3 lata), w USA (2 lata), w Belgii (1 rok), w Japonii (1 rok), w Holandii (1 rok).
Zainteresowania naukowe to mechatronika, dynamika strukturalna, robotyka, monitorowanie konstrukcji, bezkontaktowe metody pomiarów wielkości mechanicznych.
Autor 1030 artykułów i doniesień naukowych z czego 210 opublikowanych w czasopismach z listy JCR. Wiele z tych prac zrealizowano we współpracy międzynarodowej.
Chairmen dwóch światowych kongresów naukowych w 2008 roku EW SHM, w 2012 Polish Congress of Technical Diagnostics w 2012 roku, WC IFToMM w 2019. Wielokrotnie wygłaszał referaty plenarne na międzynarodowych konferencjach naukowych (SPIE Congres – marzec 2019 – „Structural Health Monitoring entrepreneur point of view” – 1000 uczestników).
Członek rad programowych międzynarodowych i krajowych czasopism naukowych oraz redaktor (2006- 2008) czasopisma PAK. Kierownik wielu projektów badawczych międzynarodowych (10 projektów i 48 partnerów) i krajowych (28). Członek wielu Towarzystw i Organizacji naukowych i przemysłowych (np. SEM, Polish Society of Acoustics, Komitet Budowy Maszyn PAN, Komitet Mechaniki PAN, PTMTS, ASME. Członek Rad Nadzorczych firm giełdowych (np. FAMUR, WIELTON) oraz rad naukowych (np. LOTOS, PCO, ALSTOM, PGNiG). Jako pierwszy Polak członek High Level Group Key Enabling Technologies przy Komisji Europejskiej, która ustalała priorytetowe kierunki rozwoju przemysłu europejskiego (2014 – 2016). Założyciel 28 firm typu start – up, ze studentami, z których kilka jest dużymi firmami (np. EC Engineering – światowy lider w projektowaniu pojazdów szynowych (90% projektów zagranicą) oraz producent osprzętu do pojazdów szynowych i elektrycznych autobusów miejskich, producent linii produkcyjnych dla lotnictwa i przemysłu kolejowego. Wszystkie firmy zatrudniają ponad 500 osób.
Radca ds. Handlu i inwestycji Ambasada Pakistanu Warszawa, Polska
MoreMr. Zahid is a career civil servant in Pakistan. His diverse public sector experience entails more than 22 years of professional excellence both at field and policy level in different capacities. Being a member of Inland Revenue Service in Pakistan, commercial law and tax law are areas of his expertise. His qualification and experience have also bestowed him with excellent marketing and networking skills. Mr. Zahid has a master’s degree in Management from London School of Economics (LSE), a master’s degree in Commercial Law from University College London (UCL) and also an alumnus of Uppsala University Sweden (International Tax Law).
Counsellor (Commercial) and Senior Trade Commissioner at the Embassy of Canada to Poland, with concurrent accreditation to the Republic of Belarus
MoreCounsellor (Commercial) and Senior Trade Commissioner at the Embassy of Canada to Poland, with concurrent accreditation to the Republic of Belarus.
Overseas, he has previously served as Counsellor (Commercial) and Regional Senior Trade Commissioner based out of the High Commission of Canada in Nairobi, Kenya; First Secretary (Commercial) and Head of Investment Attraction at the Embassy of Canada to China; Vice-Consul and Trade Commissioner at the Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai, India.
Francis has also held a number of positions within Global Affairs Canada (Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Development) including Chief of Staff to the Assistant Deputy Minister for Sub-Saharan Africa, Deputy Director for the European Bilateral Relations and Advocacy, Deputy Director for Eastern and Southern Africa Relations, as well as working on issues such as international financing, venture capital and private equity, trade missions strategy and planning, and business sector support.
He holds a Masters of Business Administration from Rutgers Business School (2011) and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of British Columbia (2001).
Head of the Belgian Business Chamber
MoreA graduate of the University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Roman Philology and Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics.
Professional profile: marketing, business development, sales and HR management.
More than 7 years professionally associated with the international environment, especially with French-speaking countries. She was successful in developing a new business on the French market, actively acquiring new customers. In different companies, as a sales manager she built and maintained long-term relationships with key clients and business partners in Poland and abroad.
She speaks fluently French, English and Polish.
Currently, she continues her education at the Faculty of Psychology at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
In private life an enthusiast of mountain climbing and active lifestyle.
President of Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce
MoreBernhard Otterstein was born and educated in Vancouver, where he graduated with honours from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia. Over the past three decades he has worked with numerous corporate, governmental, and institutional entities in North America, Europe and Asia in the areas of economic analysis, strategic project and investment planning, new market development, as well as cross-cultural communications. He has been directly involved in projects in the fields of real estate, engineering, biotechnology, energy and IT.
During the past ten years, Mr. Otterstein has gained first-hand experience in identifying and promoting emerging technologies and related business opportunities, taking them from early stage to market via private equity investment and the active co-management of several start-up ventures.
Mr. Otterstein is currently working to foster trade and investment opportunities between Canada and the European Union under the new CETA agreement, with a special focus on bilateral business relations between Canada and Poland. He serves on various boards, including as President the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and Secretary of the Supervisory Board of Perla Browary Lubelskie SA, the largest independent brewery in Poland.
Mr. Otterstein has also worked as a television and music producer and has hosted a weekly television programme broadcast around the world. He speaks fluent English, German, and Polish.
President of the I.R.C.E.
MoreFrançois CHARLES is an economist, expert in strategy, management, geopolitics, particularly in the defense, industry, energy and international relations sectors with global skills that are important for the general policy of organizations.
Executive Director of PCCC
MoreThe Founder and President of the consulting agency „Doradztwo Europejskie” established in 2007. The company focuses on providing EU funding for infrastructure projects in the field of transport, water supply and sanitation, public buildings modernisation, and for the implementation of clean energy and environment friendly solutions. „Doradztwo Europejskie” offers strategic advice, project design as well as EU-funded projects management services. For the last 10 years, the company won for its clients (municipal authorities, hospitals, private sector companies) more than half a bilion PLN.
Angelika Nowak was born and educated in Warsaw where she graduated with honours from the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw. In October 2018, she was appointed as the Executive Director of the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Prezes Izby Gospodarki Elektronicznej
MorePresident of the Board of the Chamber of Digital Economy, formerly a member of the Board of the e-Chamber, whose mission is to develop the Polish digital economy industry through cooperation, exchange of know-how, legislative actions, representation of common interests on the national and international arena. A member of the Coalition for Cashless Trading and Micropayments, which was established in spring 2007 on the initiative of the Polish Bank Association. Member of the Board of Directors Ecommerce Europe. She has been associated with the e-Chamber from the beginning of its operation. Responsible for the strategic development of the Chamber in the field of digitization of finance, Polish medicine and e-commerce. Associated with the interactive industry for 15 years. Previously, she worked at IAB Polska, where she created an online marketing organization from scratch and at Eniro Polska (Panorama Firm) as a spokesperson. A graduate of the University of Warsaw. Privately, a happy wife and mother of the wonderful Lena.
President of THINKTANK and President Centre for International Relations
MorePresident of THINKTANK and President Centre for International Relations
Solutions tailored to the individual needs of partners and clients
Direct contact with specific business partners.
Support in business development and increasing the company’s capabilities.
Panels with experts. Access to important information and ideas.
Accelerating development through access to news, mentoring, investors and other sup-port that helps to become a stable and self-sustaining enterprise.